No matter how well your Las Vegas window cleaning team cleans them, scratched windows will never look as clean as they should. Thankfully, many scratches, as long as they aren’t too deep, are fixable with the right tools.
You can fix scratches that aren’t too deep with these DIY tips from a window cleaning Las Vegas company you can trust. If you find a scratch that is deep enough to catch the tip of your fingernail, you may want to contact a professional to fix that for you with the appropriate tools.
Since more and more people are opting into a more natural lifestyle, we wanted to first show you a way you can repair scratched glass without chemicals.
All you have to do is create a paste that is made with white toothpaste, baking soda and water. Rub the paste into the scratch with a clean and damp microfiber cloth. The best way to do this is to rub the paste in with little circular motions. Just remember to keep the paste as close to the scratch as possible. You don’t want the paste all over the mirror.
Once you are done, just clean off the paste with a side of the microfiber cloth that is clean. If the scratch is not gone, you can repeat the process a few times until the scratch is less visible.
This is another way you can fix the scratches in your glass without chemicals. First, clean the window thoroughly. Once the mirror is dry, apply enough clean nail polish to fill the scratch without being excessive. You can clean any extra nail polish up with nail polish remover and a clean cloth or a q-tip.
This third method to repair scratched windows is not natural, but it is effective. If you find that the other two methods don’t work as well as you would like, this is something you can try.
First, you want to clean and dry the window around the scratch with a clean microfiber cloth. Once the area is dry, apply a small amount of metal polish to the scratch with a different cloth that is clean and dry. Rub in the polish with small circular motions for the best result. When you clean off the excess polish, the scratch should be gone.
The best way to fix scratches in your windows is to prevent them altogether. You can do this by making sure your windows are cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and sand that is usually the culprit of scratched windows. Call a Las Vegas window cleaning company to ensure you get the best service at an affordable rate. For more information about this Las Vegas cleaning, contact J & J Window Wash at 702.274.8128.