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3 Quick Tips to Help Insulate Windows From Cold Weather

Even in Las Vegas, winter weather can bite, especially at night. SO, here are three quick tips to help you insulate your windows from cold weather.

Caulk the Cracks

The easiest way to keep your heated air from escaping is to close up the ways it’s getting out. Find cracks in your windows by holding a lit stick of incense near the frame while the wind is blowing outside. If the smoke blows back toward you, you have a leak. Fill in those spaces on the inside and outside for best results.

Use Insulating Window Film

This inexpensive layer of film really helps to keep the heat in and the cold out. You can buy the film at most hardware stores. Since you’re going through the motions anyway, consider choosing a film that also has a little tint. You’ll be happy you did once summer rolls around.

To install the film, just follow the directions provided by the manufacturer. Just remember to clean your windows well. Otherwise, the film probably won’t stick. You can do this yourself or you can hire a professional window cleaning company by calling (702) 274-8128 today.

Add Curtains

Closed curtains add an extra layer of insulation between you and the nighttime cold. They can be a pleasant addition if you also choose curtains that match your decor. Just make sure you get insulated curtains if you really want to experience the practical benefit of the addition. They’re thicker and often times are good at blocking out the light as well.

Good luck and stay warm!

January 20, 2015