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The Best Las Vegas Window Cleaning

Hello. My name is Shawn Hassett, and I’m the President and CEO of J & J Window Wash. Are your windows in dire need of cleaning? Then you’ve come to the right website. We’re the leading experts in the industry, with almost a decade of experience in window cleaning. We’ve served the needs of...

July 22, 2014

Window cleaning with de-ionized water in Las Vegas

Window cleaning has come a long way since the old days of cleaning with the use of soapy water. If that’s your idea of how modern window cleaners do things, then you’re in for quite a surprise. In fact, nowadays it may not even be necessary to use soap at all. There...

Quality window cleaning in Las Vegas

Let’s discuss the value of quality window cleaning services for a moment. There are times when we’re up against other cleaning companies and our bid isn’t the lowest. That shouldn’t be a surprise, since we absolutely don’t cut corners...

Screen repair and building

Hi, my name is Shawn and I’m the President and CEO of J&J Window Wash. Sometimes we get questions not just about cleaning screens (which is something you really need to do if you live in Las Vegas by the way), but also abou...

Customer reviews and testimonials

If you’re in search of the best window cleaning service in Las Vegas, you really ought to check out customer reviews first. Finding the best window cleaners is just like buying anything online, you really need to listen to what others have to say about it first. ...

Home Remedies to clean your windows

Cleaning your windows may seem like a menial task, but it needs to be done. Naturally, everyone’s go to window cleaner is Windex. If you are out of Windex there are many other options to keep your windows streak free. Dish soap The simplest home remedy is to m...

Superhero Window Washing

On April 15, nurses, parents and children all rushed to view out the windows of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. What was so intriguing? The window cleaners were dressed up as different superheroes. Captain America, Spiderman and Batman swun...

Window Washers encounter close call

Window washers have to be extremely high up sometimes. Let’s be real, that scaffold they have to stand on doesn’t look very stable. So it comes as no surprise that there have been multiple incidents of window washers falling in cities all over the world. Luckily, these window washers survived the...