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Window Maintenance Keeps Summer Energy Bills Low

As the temperatures rise well into the triple digits, Las Vegas residents can expect their energy bills to increase as well. On the hottest days, the temperature can spike up to 115 degrees. These extreme temperatures can cause scary energy bills, costing you a fortune. Following these tips can help reduce your energy bill a lot.

Tips for Lowering Your Energy Bill

During the day, block the heat from coming indoors by keeping all windows and doors closed. Keeping your curtains shut can decrease the amount of heat that enters your home. Whenever you leave the house, set your thermostat five degrees higher. It should be set to at least 80 degrees when you are not home, and doing this for at least eight hours a day can reduce your energy bill up to five percent. Get a fan to use at night when you are sleeping, which will allow you to keep your thermostat in the low 80s at night.

Avoid creating additional heat and humidity in your house during the summer. This can be accomplished by doing laundry, washing dishes and bathing before noon of after 8 p.m. When you are cooking, try to avoid using the oven. Instead, use the microwave more often to cut energy costs.

Keep in mind how often you use exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathroom, as using these too long can significantly increase your energy bill. The longer the fans are on, the more cool air you are losing in your home. Only use them as long as it takes to get rids of odors.

Window Tips to Save Money

If you air conditioner is placed in your window, be sure that it fits properly. If there is any loose space between the window and the unit, cool air can escape from your house. Instead of an air conditioner, you could use a window fan. This requires only 1/10 of the amount of energy that an air conditioner runs on.

Make sure your furniture does not block the vents in your home. If air flow is restricted, your air conditioner will have to work harder to produce the desired temperature. The vents can provide maximum results when they are kept clear.

Always turn the lights off when you leave the room. Even if you are only leaving the room for a few minutes, making it a habit of always turning the lights off can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Many people will simply log off their computer after using it, instead of turning it all the way off. Keeping your computer constantly on can use a considerable amount of energy. Even if you only turn off the monitor, it can still save you money.

Maintaining your windows is imperative to keeping your energy bill low. The experts at J & J Window Wash will keep your windows in good condition year round. With over 10 years of experience, they are dedicated to providing the best service for their clients. For more information about cleaning services in Las Vegas, contact 702.274.8128.

August 1, 2014